Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Marsha and Joe Grieco


Apple Time Somewhere by Marsha Grieco

Joe Grieco


Even a river can take a wrong turn

Got me sidetracked on biker highway

lying down for bragging rights in tall rye grass

even hometown lawns with flat-top cuts

drink the rippling energy of earth in early spring

Leaning on the quayside wall

the sun dropped like a sailor’s pearl

the moon yawned like tired pup

My eyes watched you walk by in floral print all dolled up

My mouth fed on the contrail of your oxygen


Even rain drops can drown a man if his mouth is open

Drinking in a drunkards’ tavern

swapping stories with dropout sots

Me, preaching how light travels in waves like a river

or in quanta like raindrops

but never in both forms at the same time

Me, talking to logs

they missed the whole point

It’s not the solution that we seek

it’s the absolution, the bolt of slake in the thunderstorm


Me, with a backpack full of all the concrete pieces of our past

Me, with no rightful bed to sleep tonight

with no time to spare

I traveled

just to go somewhere

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