Thursday, February 9, 2023

Jackie Chou

Spring Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning out my closet,
I can't get rid of my old stuff,
sweaters, cotton tees, and pants
faded and stiff
from too many washes.

Instead, I give away my best clothes,
dresses made of satin, silk, or chiffon,
studded with sequins, rhinestones,
nylon jackets lined with faux fur,

I don't donate them to shelters,
but friends I want to impress, 
keeping my shabby wardrobe for myself,
worn in the sunshine or rain, 

when nobody watches.

Out of Isolation in Spring

You know spring is here

by its tapestry

& symphony

trees posing 

with their green coats

in a fashion show

cherry blossoms

painting the roads

a Pepto-Bismol pink

the new voices 

that have joined

the sparrow chorus

You know it

by the way 

my heart thaws 

when you look me 

in the eye

under the mellow sun

1 comment:

  1. So refreshing to hear the unexpected logic in your poetry. Thanks.


CLS Sandoval

Flowers     On the side of the road, near the place she took her last breath.   They set some tulips in a little pile.   The warms of spring...