Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Tim Tipton


Today the sun is in full glory.
The air brisk and clear.
Children play games in the street.
Jacaranda trees sway in a dance with the clouds.
Spring is here.
Men are shirtless, skin tan and glossy with sweat.
Women float along like white butterflies.
Young girls are colts about to run.
Young men are on the brink of hormones.
Flowers I can’t even name bask in full bloom
in a flood of warm golden light de Kooning would die for.
It’s time to wake from my long winter’s slumber.


The air was beginning to change.
Becoming powder-sugary with pollen
as if invisible butterfly wings and
Flower petals were brushing against
My skin. The light was different now,
dappled greenish gold and watery. Kids
rode to the beach on bikes and played
in the sand until sunset.


Sticks of incense burned, paper
Lanterns shone in the trees like huge
Cocoons full of electric fireflies,
fresh flowers spread on the lawn, and
Fruit ready to drop by the slightest touch.
The light-filled red waves broke on the beach again
and again with salt stung fullness. Waves
riding on waves, rocking, tossing, and
ocean of liquid coral roses; Summer had
ripened to its fullest.


The snow fell all night without sound
And covered the earth, beneath the oak trees
And bent the limbs of the evergreens and
Sifted out the high pearl-blue clouds hour
After hour.


Leaves were dropping from the maple trees,
quivering in the night air;
A leaf flattened itself and leaped away into
The darkness flopping back and forth; overnight
they have been landing on my windshield, leaving
Orange and gold splashes across the windshield.
I saw one drop vertically from the sky & crash into
the blacktop. It seemed odd to me how something
who loved the sky so much could also
love the earth too.

Spring Warmth
The nights are getting warmer.
Winter is almost over,
soon it will be Springtime
At nightfall the streets fill up
with the echo and movement of people.
A longing comes over me.
A window is open.
I feel drawn to the sounds of Spring’s past.
The years I walked through sunny streets
in search of friendship and music,
and crawling home to be with imaginary lovers.
Here I am, on the edge of a new season.
Missing friends I love, wondering if the time
will ever pass until we’re together again.
I often ponder if other people feel this way
like me, yearning to find closeness, to find warmth.
Just go one step at a time,
let’s see what the next few months bring.

Love Parade
I remember my first time making love
to a girl I liked.
The feel in her thighs, ripe to the touch.
The quickness of my hand across her back,
her goose pimples tickled like salt from
the sea air just after a storm. Eyes the
light of a full spring moon.
We threw each other against the wall and
climbed on each other like a ladder.
My feelings for her were big and alive.
I felt like a creature. She was quite like
her mother’s garden with very little to say.
When we said goodbye I came to kiss her,
but she turned her cheek to me. My last sight of her was
as she left, her mouth soft, wide, and affectionate.
Outside a parade marched through a city
street consuming my feelings of
longing and loss.

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CLS Sandoval

Flowers     On the side of the road, near the place she took her last breath.   They set some tulips in a little pile.   The warms of spring...