Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Don Kingfisher Campbell

Have you ever...


...tried using a key

instead of a quarter

to unlock an Aldi

shopping cart?


...shoplifted $1,000

of Legos from Target,

not for "family members",

but to sell?


...worked for Grubhub,

made a measly $6.69

on a delivery that

totalled $25.47?


...left a restaurant,

paying for your meal

on your way out, because

you didn't like your relatives?


...shot down a Chinese

spy balloon since that is

your job flying a fighter jet

from a Carolina air force base?


I have done none of these Google-able

things, yet I have been on the front page

of local 20th century newspapers twice,

once as a Barnes Park teenage turtle racer,


and again in the El Monte bus station

performing poetry in a safety jacket

to waiting riders about French toast,

street football, and spring love


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CLS Sandoval

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