Sunday, February 12, 2023

Emil E Schultz Jr



Who is that magical being

professing to have all the answers

that will cure each of our cancers.

Can it be our new director

busy reinventing the wheel

or the woman in the corner

rocking on her heel?


What is the magic formula

we hope to find that will fix it all

be it very large or very small?

Is there that certain path

that turns effort into success.


Where do I get that special blend

of a mystical tablet or soothing elixir

that will make me feel well and merry

perhaps it will be in the apothecary?


When will I find the right one

to tell me what I should do

and how it should feel?

Possibly the woman down the street

with all her wise old wives tales

all starting with mother said.


How will I know unless

I look in the mirror and ask

“Am I part of the problem

or part of the solution.”

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